Feeling stuck after a breakup or divorce?

Transform your breakup into a breakthrough with this unique self-paced online programme, designed to guide you from feeling lost and broken to empowered in just eight weeks!

Is this you?

Navigating a divorce or separation?

Stuck in the aftermath of a relationship's end, unable to move forward?

Feeling uncertain about the future of your relationship and seeking guidance?

In this moment, emotions may overwhelm you—anger, sadness, loss, anxiety, fear, and stress may consume your thoughts. Simple tasks become daunting as your mind fixates on one thing: your relationship.

But you're not alone.

That's precisely why I developed The Break-up. I assure you, by completing this eight-week course, you'll gain the tools to rebuild your life and reclaim control.

Hey there, I'm Anna, and I'm here to offer you support as you navigate through your breakup, without enduring long-lasting trauma.

I vividly recall the overwhelming emotions when my world came crashing down. One moment, I was living a comfortable life as a wife, mother, and career woman; the next, I found myself single, jobless, and homeless for the first time in over three decades.

In the initial weeks after my 30 year marriage ended, I struggled to make sense of it all. I felt as if I'd lost control and soon began experiencing panic attacks. Fear consumed me. It was undeniably one of the most challenging times in my life.

If you're experiencing something similar right now, then you've landed in the right place - I’m here to support you on your journey back to happiness!

Why The Break Up?

First and foremost, "The Break Up" was created by someone who has experienced it firsthand, ensuring you receive the unique support needed to navigate the challenge of moving on from a breakup or divorce.

Not only that, "The Break Up" offers a holistic approach, blending mindfulness, compassion-based therapy with insights from Buddhist psychology, and life coaching techniques. This makes "The Break Up" a comprehensive programme that ensures full recovery from the trauma caused by the end of a relationship.

Additionally, you'll receive easy-to-use techniques that you can incorporate into your everyday life to take better care of yourself while managing the various emotions you're experiencing right now.

With 'The Break Up,' you will:

  • Develop the ability to respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively, reducing emotional distress.

  • Gain control now and avoid future regrets driven by overwhelming emotions.

  • Save money on therapy and legal costs by investing in self-improvement from the comfort of your own home. Learning to manage your emotions during a breakup or divorce can lead to more rational decision-making.

  • Enjoy privacy and convenience with this self-paced, online course that you can access from the comfort of your own home.

  • Personalise your experience with optional one-on-one sessions to accelerate your recovery.

  • Benefit from flexible payment options including instalment plans, lifetime access, and a money-back guarantee for peace of mind.

What You'll Learn from 'The Break Up

From the moment you start this course, you'll embark on a journey to rediscover the art of being your own best friend—a relationship you might have overlooked for too long. After all this is the only only one relationship that you can never escape.

Mastering this relationship is the only way to achieve lasting peace and happiness.

Embrace Letting Go

Letting go is often the toughest part of any breakup, yet it's essential for healing and becoming whole again. As Jon Kabat-Zinn wisely puts it,

"It's not a matter of letting go—you would if you could. Instead of letting it go, we should probably say let it be."

I'll guide you through releasing the past and embracing a new chapter in your life.

Take Back Control

In emotional times like these, our reactions can lead to regrets.

"The Break-Up" will equip you with techniques to create space between your thoughts and reactions. Learn to respond rather than react, gaining back a sense of control

Inside the Break Up

Here’s what you get in The Break Up:

  • Each week you will have access to a comprehensive teaching full of resources to challenge and guide you on this self-exploration and self-awareness journey.

  • Video teachings on topics such as acceptance, self-compassion, and attachment.

  • Guided Recorded Meditations to help you deal with panic, fear, anxiety, and critical self-talk.

  • Printable Worksheets.

  • Full mobile compatibility.

  • Daily focused activities to help you move forward.

Course Outline

8 Lessons:

  • Lesson One – Awareness. Here you start to learn how to really pay attention to what is going on, time to take off the tinted glasses and see things as they are.

  • Lesson Two – Acceptance. Dare I say it? Yes, you will have to accept what is and create a new life, a better life. First comes acceptance, then comes moving on.

  • Lesson Three – Self Compassion. Let’s learn to love ourselves first, we can never get real love externally if we fight a battle with ourselves. Here you learn to get off your own case and become your own best friend.

  • Lesson Four – Anger. Probably the most damaging emotion, anger to the degree where you want to harm someone is not good for anyone. Here we learn to come to terms with our anger, to deal with it without reacting in ways we will regret.

  • Lesson Five – Fear. Being scared for the future, and having some real fears can keep us stuck. In lesson five we deal with our fears, face them, and work through them. Finally letting go of what might be keeping us from moving on.

  • Lesson Six – Attachment. In lesson six we move on to more advanced work. This is where we start going deeper, exploring why we act the way we do and changing how we engage with our emotions, thoughts and feelings. Don’t expect this part to be easy but nothing worth anything ever comes easy.

  • Lesson Seven – Compassion. Yes, compassion is the most powerful weapon we have, it means we learn to look at everything in a compassionate way. Oh, I can hear reactions to this right now. Compassion towards the one that hurt me? The one that let me down? Believe it or not, it sounds like the coward’s way out but really it’s the most empowering tool if you can learn to act from compassion.

  • Lesson Eight – Wake Up. And finally, when you have worked through all the crazy, conflicting emotions, you move on to see things in a different way. Here you are taken on a journey to reconnect with what you want, what you need, and create a life that is based on you. Sounds selfish? Sounds heartless? Well, maybe that’s what you need to finally save your own life.

And you also get:

  • Video’s covering all the lessons and topics discussed above.

  • Daily activities to make you dig deep, and embed what you learn into your life.

  • Recorded Guided Meditations to help you get through difficult days, to help you control the need to react, and to help you relax when you feel things are out of your control.

By the end of the course, you will have tools you can come back to whenever you feel life is getting out of control or you are struggling with anything.

The Break-up will help you to build a stronger foundation for your future.

What people are saying about The Break Up

“Finally I can see how my relationship was holding me back” - JA

“The course has helped me to let go of lots of negative feelings and thoughts. The course made me realise that I was holding onto bad feelings/ negative experiences. I was sad when the course ended as I feel that was a lot more Anna could teach us” — GD

How do I access the course?

Once you sign up you will be given personal login details that will take you straight to the course. You can start straight away.

How long do I have to finish the course?

There is no time frame for you to finish the course, it will take as long as you need it to take. However, it is better that you work through the course systematically so that you can benefit fully. The longer you take the more you are resisting moving on.

Each lesson is designed to take around a week; the reason for this is to allow you the time to impliment the teaching before moving on to the next stage. It is important that you follow the structure as it is laid out so you can deal with each area fully before moving on to the next stage.

Do I continue to have access after I finish the course?

You can download all the resources, including the guided meditations so that you can come back to them whenever you wish.

However you are not allowed to copy or edit any of the material from the course as they are copyright protected.


Are you ready to move on and start your new life today?

I love watching the people I work with go from broken to whole again. It’s amazing to see them take positive action because they feel inspired. And it’s beautiful to see their whole posture move from slouching to sitting up proud and strong again.

I hope you will join the people that have benefited from working with me so that you can be one of the stories I’m proud of because you deserve better.

Before I leave you I want to just make sure you understand what The Break-Up will do for you.

I believe in what I do wholeheartedly. I live by what I say, it’s my practice and it’s my way of life. I will give you the tools you need to:

  • Settle your mind, to find a sense of peace and freedom.

  • Be free from the trap of habits, limiting beliefs, and lack of self-appreciation.

  • Feel better about youf life and have a positive view of the future.

  • Learn to love yourself, and build such a strong relationship with yourself, you’ll never compromise on your happiness again.

  • Stop focusing on depleting activities and start focusing on nourishing yourself.

  • Most importantly I will help you to let go of what no longer serves you so you can be happy again!

14-Day Money Back Guarantee

I promise that if you follow every step of The Break Up you will feel better about your life and your relationships.

I certainly want you to be satisfied with your purchase but I also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the course. I do offer a 14-day refund period for purchases. If the program is not for you, simply show me your work and I'll issue you a complete refund within 14 days.