Three Simple Changes That Will Transform Your Life for the Better

In this article I want to share three transformative changes that can have a profound impact on your life. While they may not be easy to implement, the rewards of making these changes are significant and can bring positive and lasting effects.


When life gets tough or mundane, it's easy to get caught up in a negative cycle of thoughts and feelings that replay in your mind. These repetitive stories can consume your thoughts and leave you feeling stuck.

But with a shift in perspective, you can break free from the cycle and start living a more fulfilling life.

Developing the skill of shifting your perspective can help you navigate challenging situations with greater ease and clarity and can lead to a more positive outlook on life.

But how do you make shifting your perspective a part of your life?

This photo was taken a few years ago when I was learning photography with a manual camera. Unlike modern-day photography, using a manual camera requires knowledge of how to adust your lens to focus where you want to direct the eye.

To take a single photograph using a manual camera, you need to adjust various technical aspects such as your aperture, aspect ratio, depth of field, and shutter speed, among others. This means you must know how to adjust your lens settings, stand in the right position, and take multiple shots to capture the perfect image.

When I'm faced with a challenging situation and notice that I'm trapped in repetitive thought patterns, I know it's time to shift my perspective.

To do this, I adopt a photographer's mindset:

I zoom in on the issue and examine it from different angles until I realise there's a different view to consider.

More often than not, I come to the conclusion that the issue isn't as bad as I initially thought and that it's only temporary in any case. Then I’m able to let it pass without muddying the waters anymore.


In my upcoming book I delve deeper into the concepts of perspective and gratitude, as I believe these attitudes are essential to overcoming hardship and adversity.

Gratitude is often misunderstood as simply being content with what life has given you. However, true gratitude involves more than just looking at life's challenges through a positive lens. In fact I’d argue to do that would be trying to fool yourself, which isn’t a healthy approach to life.

It's important to acknowledge difficulties for what they are and not try to downplay them. In my opinion, developing gratitude is a multifaceted process that involves looking for opportunities to learn and grow from adversity.

By embracing life as a journey that is inevitably filled with challenges, we can learn to appreciate even the smallest victories and moments of happiness.

This perspective allows us to cultivate gratitude, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

If you experience the loss of someone close to you, it can be difficult to cope with the grief and move on. However, by remembering the positive impact they had on your life and the cherished memories you shared, you can cultivate a sense of gratitude for the time you had together.

When you find yourself overwhelmed with negative thoughts or trapped in difficult circumstances, it's important to shift your focus towards something positive. Even finding one small thing to be grateful for can make a difference. However, when that seems impossible, learning to appreciate the simple gift of life itself can be the most crucial attitude to develop.

During a recent interview with Michael J. Fox, who was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at the age of 29, he shared a powerful message:

'With gratitude, optimism is sustainable.'

This perspective can be a powerful tool in helping you move forward in life, even during difficult times as it helps to cultivate a sense of hope for the future.


I truly believe that learning to love yourself unconditionally is the key to transforming your perspective and living a life of gratitude. It's not always easy, but true self-love means accepting your strengths and weaknesses and forgiving yourself for past mistakes.

Think of it as being your own best friend - someone who cheers you on when you succeed and offers a shoulder to cry on when things get tough. When you learn to love and accept yourself, you'll find it easier to see the good in life, even during difficult times.

It’s not always easy to be honest with yourself about your struggles.

For me, personally, I find myself being really hard on myself about decisions I made that took me down difficult paths.

I often wonder if getting married instead of continuing my studies was the right choice. I also find myself getting resentful towards my parents for not providing me with a happier or more stable home to grow up in. And I’ll admit, there are times when I look in the mirror and wish I was a bit thinner.

But there is something inside me that knows better.

Every single personal struggle, kick up the backside and let down has played a crucial role in making me the person I am today.

I become grateful for my parents because they taught me to stand strong and know how to be self-sufficient. I am grateful for my marriage, even if it didn’t last because it gave me my children who are my life. And I am proud of my body because it is strong, healthy and so far, has enabled me to experience life in all its glory.

Loving yourself means forgiving every mistake and weakness. It means understanding that those who hurt you did so because of their own weaknesses, not because of yours. And it means recognising that you did the best you could with the tools you had at the time.

So, begin with cultivating a deep sense of self-love, learn to turn towards gratitude and then changing your perspective will become your new habit.

If you're feeling stuck or uncertain about the direction of your life, why not schedule a complimentary chat with me? Together, we can explore how I can support you in gaining clarity and empower you to create the life you've always envisioned

Anna Zannides

Anna Zannides, Author of How did I get here?

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