Hi, I’m Anna Zannides

“When things fall apart and we’re on the verge of we know not what, the test of each of us is to stay on that brink and not concretize….” Pema Chodron

I may not know the exact reason that brought you here, but I believe our paths cross for a meaningful purpose.

Whether you're navigating a breakup or divorce, I hope you'll discover inspiration and hope in the insights I share.

Let me start by introducing myself.

How it all started.

At the age of 52 my 30 year marriage ended and was unexpectedly made redundant. To say those few years were traumatic is an understatement, I felt quite literally that my life had crumbled!

These life-changing events made me realise the true value of freedom—not just the freedom that money can provide, but the freedom to embrace our authentic selves.

Reflecting on my past, I discovered how much I had compromised myself in pursuit of a conventional life I thought would bring happiness. I had the career, life partner, house, and children—everything society told me would make me happy and secure.

And yet, deep down, I felt a persistent unease - things didn’t always feel right.

Motherhood came natural to me and brought purpose to my life, but everything else felt like I was living someone else's script. I didn't want to disrupt the fairytale, so I played along, conforming to societal expectations of being a 'good girl.'

However, my divorce and redundancy turned out to be unexpected blessings, offering me the chance to start over. As I always say, every end is just a new beginning.

New Chapter

Armed with hard-earned lessons from these life challenges, I committed to rediscovering who I was and creating a life that aligned with my true self. No more pleasing others!

I embarked on a journey to peel away layers of conditioning, rekindling my passions and exploring life with a renewed sense of curiosity. I traveled to Nepal, met new people, studied Buddhism, and eventually found my authentic path.

Now, I live a life firmly rooted in the freedom to be myself, liberated from others' expectations. You can read more about my journey here.

Are you curious about how to turn your breakup into a breakthrough?

Begin with my book, 'How Did I Get Here?' to uncover transformational insights and strategies for breaking free from your past.

If you're seeking faster transformation, consider exploring 'The Break Up,' my signature program designed to guide you from breakup to breakthrough in just 8 weeks. Alternatively, take the next step and reach out to me about 1:1 coaching.


In today’s world, where anyone can easily claim to be a coach or a mindfulness teacher, it becomes absolutely vital to ensure that the person you choose to invest your hard-earned money and precious time in is truly an experienced professional.

That’s why I am pleased to inform you that I have the following accreditations and qualifications, which service as a testament to my expertise and professionalism in this field.

  • Trauma Informed Certificate for Coaches - The Centre for Healing

  • Level 5 Certified Coach with NLP - Simply Changing ABC Award

  • Mindfulness-Based Living Teacher Qualified - Mindfulness Association

  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer - Bangor University

  • Mindfulness for Schools Qualified - .B Mindfulness for Schools

  • BSc in Computer Science - Middlesex University

  • Masters in Education - Middlesex University

  • Postgraduate Degree in Teaching - Middlesex University

I am also a member of the National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists and have regular supervision.


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